Sunday, March 3, 2013

Accused Similar Pistol Shape Cakes, Boy Suspended

A boy agedseven years, orequivalent grade 2 SD, was suspended from schoolon Thursday last, after eating breakfastpastry that resembles the shape of a gun charged.

Josh Welch, boyclass 2 SD ParkElementary School in Baltimore confesses that he only made his snack strawberryresembles the shape of a mountain.

However, the teacher has a different look atwhat Josh. "He was very angry," said Josh. This kid knew immediately that he was in big trouble. Since it is considered dangerous, Joshwas suspended for school for two days.

Josh's father was called by the school, and was told that her son had been given a two-day suspension. Previously,the school sent a letter home to every student in the school to inform parents that: "There is a student doing something inappropriate to the food at school."

Josh, who is known students like art classes, admitted onFox 45 that there was nothing wrong with his actions. "The shape is rectangular, and I kept bitingand biting the cake. Shaped exactly like a gun, but it is not," said Josh tells.

"I just tried to turn it into a mountain shape, but it does not looklike a mountain., But also not look like a gun," he said.

Josh Welch, secondgrade elementary school students who love art class.

Father Josh assess the actions the school to providesuspensions to Josh is ridiculous. "I almost say it's crazy. I mean, compared to allthe issues in amore real school, bullying, or whatever, it's just a matter of the shape of cake. Could youimagine?" she said, curtly.

The school declined to comment for privacy reasons. The father said his son accusedschool says "Bang! Bang!" while holding the cake.

But, Josh deniesall the charges. He never felt making a gun with his breakfast cake

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