Thursday, March 21, 2013

Said Ramadhan Al Buthi Meninggal Dunia dalam Serangan Bom Bunuh Diri Saat Mengajar

Ulama besar Suriah Syaikh Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al Buthi meninggal dunia dalam sebuah serangan di Masjid Al Iman. Ketika serangan bom bunuh diri terjadi pada Kamis kemarin waktu setempat (Kamis, 21/3) Said Ramadhan al Buthi sedang memberikan ceramah di Masjid yang berada di Damaskus, ibukota Suriah itu.

Selain menewaskan Said Ramadhan al Buthi, bom bunuh diri ini juga menewaskan 20 orang lain. Sementara itu, sebagaimana dilansir AFP, bom bunuh diri ini juga membuat 40 orang terluka.

Said Ramadhan Al Buthi, ulama Sunni yang menjadi pembela Presiden Bashar Assad ini, memiliki pengaruh di kalangan aktivis, cendekiawan muslim serta kelompok santri di Indonesia. Salah satu bukunya yang fenomenal, Fiqh al Sirrah, menjadi rujukan para pengkaji Islam di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Dalam buku ini, Al Buthi, tidak sekedar bicara soal fikih, atau tidak hanya membahas soal sejarah. Buku ini mengurai hukum dan hikmah dari setiap perjalanan hidu Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Selama Suriah bergejolak dalam dua tahun terakhir ini, Said Ramadhan al Buthi gigih membela legitimasi pemerintahan Assad bersama dengan Mufti Suriah Syaikh Ahmad Hassun. Sikap Ramadhan al Buthi ini ditentang sejumlah ulama lain, yang menggelorakan pemberontakan kepada pemerintahan yang dianggap pro-Syiah ini.

Di luar sikap politiknya, sosok Al Buthi tetap mendapat tempat di kalangan aktivis Islam di Indonesia. Kehadiran Al Buthi diterima kalangan muslim, yang dikategorikan liberal, karena dinilai menjadi teladan dalam hal toleransi terhadap pandangan keagamaan yang lain. Bukunya, yang berasal dari disertasinya di Universitas Al Azhar Mesir, Dlawabit al Mashlahah fi al Syari’at al Islamiyyah, menjadi rujukan dalam kaidah hukum Islam belakangan ini.

Begitu juga Al Buthi tetap diterima kelompok muslim Indonesia yang diketegorikan oleh sementara pengamat sebagai kelompok tekstual, karena pandangannya soal hukum Islam. Dalam bukunya berjudul Al Uqubat al Islamiyyah wa Uqdat at Tanaqudz Bainaha wa Baina Maa Yusamma bi Thabi’at al ‘Asyri, Al Buthi menilai hukum potong tangan dan qishash masih sangat relevan sampai kapan pun.

Ikhlas dalam berdakwah, dan juga dasar argumentasi yang mapan dalam setiap ucapan dan puluhan karya ilmiahnya, dinilai sebagai penyebab mengapa ulama sufi kelahiran Turki pada tahun 1929 ini menjadi rujukan dan dihormati di berbagai penjuru dunia. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun.

Sumber : Here

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Accused Similar Pistol Shape Cakes, Boy Suspended

A boy agedseven years, orequivalent grade 2 SD, was suspended from schoolon Thursday last, after eating breakfastpastry that resembles the shape of a gun charged.

Josh Welch, boyclass 2 SD ParkElementary School in Baltimore confesses that he only made his snack strawberryresembles the shape of a mountain.

However, the teacher has a different look atwhat Josh. "He was very angry," said Josh. This kid knew immediately that he was in big trouble. Since it is considered dangerous, Joshwas suspended for school for two days.

Josh's father was called by the school, and was told that her son had been given a two-day suspension. Previously,the school sent a letter home to every student in the school to inform parents that: "There is a student doing something inappropriate to the food at school."

Josh, who is known students like art classes, admitted onFox 45 that there was nothing wrong with his actions. "The shape is rectangular, and I kept bitingand biting the cake. Shaped exactly like a gun, but it is not," said Josh tells.

"I just tried to turn it into a mountain shape, but it does not looklike a mountain., But also not look like a gun," he said.

Josh Welch, secondgrade elementary school students who love art class.

Father Josh assess the actions the school to providesuspensions to Josh is ridiculous. "I almost say it's crazy. I mean, compared to allthe issues in amore real school, bullying, or whatever, it's just a matter of the shape of cake. Could youimagine?" she said, curtly.

The school declined to comment for privacy reasons. The father said his son accusedschool says "Bang! Bang!" while holding the cake.

But, Josh deniesall the charges. He never felt making a gun with his breakfast cake

Nani MU Willing Sacrifice For Return CR7

Manchester United did not play likeCristiano Ronaldo return. Tim made ​​by Sir Alex Ferguson was willing to release Nani to Real Madrid plus a fund of60 million pounds.

Ronaldo in Madridcontract will expire in two years. Until now, the Portuguese player was not going to extend it, and the situation continues to be monitoredMU.

According to The Sun, the Red Devils havemet representatives of Ronaldo. The former SportingLisbon player that was currently considering bidsMU.

In Madrid, Ronaldo received a salary of 215 thousand pounds per week. Manchester United are ready to raise it to 250 thousand pounds. This amount is the same as Wayne Rooney received.

One more thing that makes MU eager to bringRonaldo is a factor "encouragement" from the sponsor, which is Nike. Nike is now also a personal sponsor Ronaldo, while the sponsoris Adidas Madrid.

Fergie himself on several occasions admitted Ronaldowas very impressed with this gameat this time. "Cristiano is an adult now. He was28 years old and are at the peak of his career," said Fergie.

"With a goodlevel of fitness, he never missed a game and was never injured. He will be at the peak of his career until the age of 32 or 33 years."